A Deafening Silence

A Deafening Silence

About Course

As we mark the 50th anniversary of the declaration of martial law in the Philippines, we remember the horrors and terrors that the country endured for 14 years.


When Ferdinand Marcos, a former Philippine president, imposed his dictatorship on 44 million Filipinos in September 1972 and abolished all democratic processes and civil liberties, the press and mass media were among the first major victims. Soldiers in full combat gear shut down leading mass-circulation dailies, weekly magazines, journals, radio and television stations on the eve of martial law's declaration. Thousands of journalists, editors, radio and television personnel were arrested and imprisoned without due process.

Course content

videoCourse Presentation
videoCourse Presentation
videoCourse Presentation
videoCourse Presentation
videoCourse Presentation
videoCourse Presentation
videoA Deafening Silence10 m
Pinoy University

Pinoy University

Course Instructor